Friday, March 28, 2014

New Workouts and Much Needed Motivation


If you're in the process of doing something to LEARN TO LOVE YOUR BODY, here is some motivation to keep going! It's all true. You can do it!

Need help with your workouts? Want to try something new?
Exercising can be hard, and can also get boring. My mom has been trying to lose weight (and has been doing an awesome job!) but her body is... well... old. She can't do all the things she used to! Here is a great exercise I sent her. You do your best and the exercises are pretty simple. Give it a try!! You'll do great.
Workout Credit

If you don't have access to a gym or don't want to leave your house, this "no-equipment CrossFit workout" is so awesome. I admit, it was really hard the first few times I tried it. I don't think I finished the full workout for at least a week after I started it. But that's okay! It felt so good and I saw great results in a short amount of time. On average, women burn 12 calories a minute doing this exercise (Yes!). It provides different variations of the exercises to keep your body guessing. I love it. Give it a try! I'm sure you'll love it too
Click for Workout

If you have extra time today, try looking around at their workouts, recipes, fitness tips, and more. My husband introduced me to this site. It's for men and women and it's awesome :).

Diet Update: So far I'm feeling great from the diet posted yesterday. I'm not hungry, and I don't eat nearly as much. I am craving burgers, ice cream, and other delicious treats, but cheat day will come soon enough! Just got to hang in there. We can do it!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Can You Really Bring Sexy Back?

As mentioned in my original post, I'm going to prove which diets work. All the fads, the plans, you name it, I'll (try to) try it!

My first diet attempt is the reduction of calorie intake. I'll be consuming an average of 1,200 calories of healthy foods, eating every 2.5 hours, drinking lots of water, and keeping up on my exercises. I'll post what I eat, what workouts I do, and how I'm feeling. I started on Monday to see if I notice any changes, and I already feel great!

Here's the promised "personal information" I mentioned on Facebook yesterday. My sweet husband was in class one morning and I was thinking of ways to surprise him while he was gone. Make him wish he was home with me. I took a look at myself, tried to make myself look sexy (or at least think I was sexy), and I couldn't do it. This is what I saw  ------------------------------>
I was disgusted. There were folds and fat where there wasn't supposed to be. I couldn't see how anyone, especially my husband, could find me attractive. That's the girl mentality though, right?! We're so hard on ourselves! 

So, I decided to do something. I searched for hours on how to look and feel better, and once I thought of a plan,  I found even more sites that tore my ideas down. I couldn't handle it. I've been lying to people for years about my weight. Time to change...

Again, I know I'm not huge, but I'm not happy. I've had similar measurements for as long as I can remember. My body is stubborn and so am I. I haven't been able to find a way to change for good.
Here were my measurements on Monday, March 24:
169 pounds, 39" around stomach, 35" waist, 13" arms, 26" thighs, and 1.5" of fat that I can pinch at my stomach.
But remember, I just want to feel better. Measurements are to help me show real results.

If I can eat these foods, so can you! I was the girl who couldn't eat food if it touched, refused to eat broccoli until about a year ago, and pretty much only ate green beans and corn as my veggies. Remember to try MyFitnessPal. It's fun and easy to use (see photo below). I would recommend eating fish for some meals too. I love it, but recently found out I'm allergic :(. Enjoy it! It's easy to cook and very tasty! Good luck!

Day 1: Through the day I ate Breakfast: Cinnamon Chex cereal with 1% milk  Lunch: 6oz cup of Strawberry Banana Yogurt with half a scoop of vanilla protein powder, a ziplock bag of popcorn, Snacks: 1/2 a fuji apple, 6 cocoa roasted almonds, half of a homemade banana dark chocolate chip donut (left over from the weekend) Dinner: (right) cheesy pasta with hamburger,  and a cup of V-8 Fusion juice.

Exercise: 25 minutes on the "weight loss" setting of an elliptical, 3 sets with 15 reps of all the following: 65lb barbell squats, 75lb weighted standing calf raises, 10lb dumbbell bicep curls, 75lb tricep dips.

Day 2: Breakfast: Two Energy balls Lunch: Slim Fast vanilla cream meal shake Dinner: (left) 1/2 a chicken breast of Honey grilled chicken, 1/3 cup kale chips, 3/4 cup grapes. Snacks: Special K dark chocolate granola bar, vegetable dish (.5 cup raw carrots, .25 cup raw cucumber, .25 cup cherry tomatoes, 2 tbsp italian dressing).

Exercise:10 minute walking on treadmill incline, 3 sets of 12-15 reps of the following: 45lb chest press, 45lb chest flies, 45lb pullovers, 75lb lat pulldown, 120lb back extension,  45lb shoulder press.

Day 3: Breakfast: Think Thin coconut chocolate mixed nut protein bar Lunch: Slim Fast chocolate shake Dinner: 2oz marinated steak (right), broccoli, and onion Snacks: 1.5 energy balls, cheese stick, strawberry banana yogurt.

Exercise: 20 minutes on "interval" setting of an elliptical, squat challenge:day 1, ab challenge, 30 reps of 15lb dumbbell side bends.

Day 4: Breakfast: Two energy balls. Lunch: Two fried eggs, 1 tsp chia seeds, and 1/4 avocado on one slice of whole wheat toast. Dinner: (below) Whole wheat pita bread, 1/4 cup tomato puree, italian seasoning, 1/3 cup red and green peppers, 1 tsp chia seeds, 1/6 cup cheese, .8oz cooked chicken. Snacks: string cheese,  Special K dark chocolate granola bar

Exercise: 10 min Running stairs, Fat-blasting workout, squat challenge day two, 2 sets of 30 butt bridge/hip thrusts.

I won't be measuring myself until Sunday, so stay tuned for the results on this diet! I will then continue it for one more week, and return to a healthy, but regular calorie diet. We'll see if it lasts!

Wish me luck!!!!!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Fad Diets and Their True Results

Fad diets can work for some people. They're fun, trendy, and can sometimes show quick results! Is that the best choice for you?

Let's take a deeper look at a common diet fads and popular ways to lose weight:

Picture credit:
Juicing: Many of my friends have tried "juicing." Yes, fruits and vegetables are healthy, and you will probably see fast results, but is it really worth it? Mayo Clinic, a great health/medical source, stated that "...there's no sound scientific evidence that extracted juices are healthier than the juice you get by eating the fruit or vegetable itself" (J. Nelson, Jan. 2014). You don't get the satisfaction from physically chewing your foods, which makes the few days of the fast less enjoyable. You also may be consuming more calories than you hope. 
Pauline Williams shares that although an orange only has 60 calories, you may have to use at least three to get enough juice for your recipes, along with all the other fruits and vegetables to put in your "meal". These calories quickly add up and may not be as satisfying as eating a low calorie meal. You are also not getting all the nutrients you need.
Once the few day fast is over, most people see the weight come back on as soon as they begin eating regular food again. My dear friend Courtney (right) (isn't she gorgeous?!) tried a day of juicing. Although she saw immediate results, her weight came right back on when she returned to her regular (still healthy) diet.
DConclusion: Juicing has its health benefits, but you have to be cautious of the calorie and sugar intake. You may see quick results, but you may also gain the weight back once you return to your regular diet.

Diet Pills/ Appetite Suppressers: Garcinia Cambogia is an example of a dietary supplement that claims to be "the top fat burner." Garcinia is a tree that grows in tropical locations, such as Indonesia. They grow pumpkin shaped fruits that claim to be an effective weight loss aids, and have other claimed medical uses. A few family members of mine have used this and they didn't see any results; however, there are positive (and negative) reviews on Amazon, some saying they lost 33 pounds!
I love Mayo Clinic because they are reliable, and they list a good deal of diet supplements along with their claim, their real effectiveness,  and common side effects. Be sure to research the diet supplement before taking the challenge. Some can be very dangerous!
DCConclusion: It really depends on who you are and your body. Again, take a look at Mayo Clinic's reviews. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't. ALWAYS research before taking your choice of supplement. 

Paleo Diet: The Paleo Diet is known as the cave-man diet. In this diet you consume the foods that would have been available back in the Paleolithic era. You are encouraged to eat fresh vegetables and fruits, lean meats and seafood, and healthy fats (seeds, nuts, etc.). You're essentially taking out all refined sugar and grains. This is where the Paleo Diet has it right, taking out sugars can enhance weight-loss.
Picture Credit:
This diet has you removing entire food groups from your diet. That's where it goes wrong. Whole grains and dairy products are an important part of your diet! US News posted rankings for several categories for the Paleo Diet. Overall it got a 2.0 from expert reviews in categories such as short and long term effects, nutrition, and safety. However, when trying to find consumer reviews, they didn't seem to bash it as badly as the experts. CBSNews and Huffington Post both have articles about the Paleo diet, varied comments about its success.
DConclusion: Experts rank it the last of the fad list. It's not very healthy and you're not getting the nutrients you need.  Consumers may see results, but they are not healthy ones.

Lowering Your Calorie Intake: There are many varieties of the lowering caloric intake diet. You have Slim Fast, Special K, Medifast, South Beach, Atkins, and many more. This is where people see the most success, but you have to be careful not to let your body go into "starvation mode" by cutting out too many calories. Your body needs a certain number of calories to function properly each day. Yes, the number varies, but you're able to cut down a few calories from what you're taking in now. Programs such as Slim Fast and Medifast cut your calories down to 1,200 a day. You eat about every 2.5 hours and their designated snacks/meals have a balance of the nutrients your body needs. It can be difficult, and you never get very full, or stuffed, but you're body is satisfied and it's a healthy means of losing weight. Loretta Shepherd is a great example of someone who took on the Medifast diet, saw quick results, and is still seeing results today. She began the diet (which supplies most of your meals, resulting an average of 2-5 pounds lost a week) in August of 2013 and is still doing it today. Between August 17th and November 8th, she lost 30 pounds! Take a look at her transformation! Way to go Loretta!!!

You don't necessarily have to buy the plan from Medifast. If you decrease your caloric intake (consuming around 1,200-1,500 calories) while being aware of your nutrients, you'll see great, healthy results. The MyFitnessPal app is a great tool to help you track your calories and nutrition to always make sure you're getting what your body needs!
**New addition below**
Comparing SB, Atkins, and Special K: Each of these three diet choices all have the same concept. You replace your meals and snacks with their products, then make your own healthy dinner. Atkins has a wide variety of products. They make it more enjoyable to "diet" by allowing you to switch up your foods frequently. Atkins does have the highest calorie and fat content, is tied for the lowest amount of fiber, and highest total fats. It does have the highest amount of protein, and may be more filling. Special K has a smaller variety of products, the lowest calorie and fat content, but the highest carb count. You probably won't get as full with these products, but they sure do taste good :). SB is kind of in the middle of nutrition facts, but have a very small selection of foods. I picked two products that were the most similar (a chocolate chip meal bar from each line). Here's a chart of the info I'm looking at:

Special K
South Beach
Cal. From Fat
Total Fat

I've always favored Special K, because I like the taste of their products better, but each has their benefits. If you're looking for low carb- pick Atkins. Low calorie and fat- Special K. More variety- Atkins. Keeps you full for longer- Atkins or SB.

CConclusion: This is a healthy way to loss weight and a more sure way of keeping it off. Just be sure you aren't starving yourself and are getting the appropriate nutrients for your body :)

New Addition**

Raspberry Ketone: Another fad diet supplement is Raspberry Ketones. It was hard to find credible sources, but I'll share what I found! First, I checked the product reviews. As most supplements, it was split pretty evenly of good and bad testimonials.
Fox News ran a report last February on Raspberry Ketones and claimed "to date there is not even one human study demonstrating any weight loss at all as a result of consuming raspberry ketone. Huffington Post said the same.
Consumer Review did a more in-depth study. They took all the different brands and found that a lot of the ones being offered are fake. They have unnecessary filters and bad proportions which make the pill ineffective (further explanation on their website). The did find three brands that "passed their tests" and placed them in order. If you are going to try the Raspberry Ketone supplements, I recommend checking out the Consumer Review page and their studies and what to look for in each brand you're considering. Let me know what results to find!

What diets have you tried? Have they worked? What diets do you want to learn more about? Share your secrets!!


One-Stop Site for Getting Fit

My name is Kenzie and I'm a student, a wife, and have a passion for health (thanks to my health-nut husband). I've never been happy with my body and have tried so many different ways to fix it. I was a cheerleader in high school, but not the cute, skinny kind. I wore a size 12 before even getting to high school and I almost all my pictures are somehow cropped to avoid showing my stomach and arms. No, I'm not HUGE, but I'm not happy... 
Yes, that's me. Hiding behind friends in pictures... 

I'm impatient when it comes to diet and exercise, and tend to give-up if I'm not seeing results. I spend hours each week researching foods and exercises that are good for you, and either don't see results or find other sources that contradict it.

This one-stop site for healthy foods/ recipes will explain the health benefits (with their source), as well as exercises that will keep your body guessing, and show noticeable results. Every week or two I will have guest interview from people that have had great success in their method to diet/exercise madness. I know everyone is different, so I hope by bringing in different perspectives, you can get a full, honest perspective of different methods that will make you successful.
