Friday, October 10, 2014

Three Ways To Improve Your Life, Starting Tomorrow

What an amazing week, right? Have you taken time to realize the beauty all around us? What a great Fall! If you haven't done so already, enjoy some time outside this weekend!

A world so beautiful deserves to have beautiful people in it. I had the great opportunity to listen to leaders of my church this weekend. From their talks, I picked up on a few areas where I, and many others, could improve. After really thinking if their talks, pondering on life, and reading other books through the week, I thought I would share Three Ways To Improve Your Life Starting Tomorrow ("because today is almost over"-Michael Scott).

1. In each task you do, Prepare-Participate-Remember. When considering your current goals and view on where you want to be, it is important to recognize how your actions are contributing to that end goal.  A simple example- making your bed. Who would have though such a little task could contribute to goals. If you have a goal of being more productive, think of how making your bed could contribute. By waking up to the sound of my alarm and immediately making my bed when I get up, I don't have the opportunity to roll back in bed (and wake up at 7:45 for an 8:00 class like I did last week). And look! You've been awake for literally 5 seconds and you've already accomplished something that day! Even if you come home and the rest of your day was rotten, you have a clean, made bed calling your name. Prepare- recognizing you want to be more productive, and rolling back into bed won't help. Participate- do all tasks with the best of your ability. Work harder at the gym, make your bed as neat as you can. Remember- How does this contribute to your end goal? More productive? More fit (gym)? This can be applied to so many things! Gym, making food at home (rather tan eating out), going to class or work, etc.

2. Be the master of technology; don't let it control you. I've been bad at this. I watch so much Netflix it's probably unhealthy (thank you Criminal Minds). But seriously…. Notice how quickly you reach for your phone when you have a moment to yourself. So many people walk, ride public transportation, drive and even eat staring at their phones. This Ted Talk is worth your time. "Connected, but alone." I agree that we need to talk time in our day to put away technology and be okay with being alone. Ponder. Enjoy things around you. Smile as people walk by. Enjoy real conversations with real people. Do you realize the people you walk past? What if they're supposed to be in your life, and you missed the opportunity. Technology is great, don't get me wrong, but let's take a break everyone now and again. I decided to limit my TV time and read a book (yes, a real paper book). Not a kindle. Not a webpage on my smart phone. There's something about holding a book that provides more power and concentration I think.

3. Be Kind. It seems simple, and it is. Everyone has difficult times and no one is perfect. Cut people slack. Smile. Say hi. Make someone's day! Why not? By thinking and serving others, your own problems seem to go away. Have you ever been so upset or mad? Have you ever thought your life was really hard? Take a moment and serve someone. Let your mind rest, think of someone else and watch… your problems won't seem as big of a deal when you're done. It may take practice, but I have seen it work many times in my own life. And I'm committing to do better at it.

I love what my church leaders teach and I invite you to read/watch/listen to more of the great inspiration they shared. If you apply these principles to your life, you will find more joy and peace in all you do. If you're haven't heard of the Mormon church or do not participate in its practices, start with this talk, its especially for you :)

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