Of course you need to be physically attracted to a person, but there are so many people in the world and many have different tastes in women. Everyone has there "type." I mean.. you do, right?! So, don't fret. You're beautiful, and yes, there are men that DO see your outer beauty just as much as your inner beauty. Now for this weeks inner beauty insight...
I have a problem though, and so many people can agree that I'm really not a funny person. I make awful jokes and when I do come up with a good joke, it's hours later and way too late to crack it. I actually remember for the FIRST TIME I CAN REMEMBER my brother told me I made a funny joke a year ago... How could I have been alive for 21 years and I was only funny once? That's pathetic, huh? I've added to my research this past week for ways to be funnier. I really want to learn to be witty and think quicker on my feet. Is that possible though? Can you really just learn how to be funny or learn how to be witty? Or are you born that way? I sure know my sister was born with it. She's quiet, but makes the most hysterical remarks. I envy her.
Simple steps to be funnier and more entertaining in conversations:
1. LISTEN- If you make a joke at the wrong time or in the wrong context, it could turn out.. pretty bad.
2. THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX- Witty remarks comes from outside the box. If they don't come to you naturally, try thinking outside the box on projects and other tasks through the day to help you get in the habit. When it comes time, you'll be ready!
3. LEARN FROM OTHERS- Recognize what and when it's appropriate to make witty remarks. You can learn from others! Pay attention to their delivery and make sure you take notes. Timing is key!
4. BE CONFIDENT- It takes practice, so try jokes out around close friends and family.
5. DON'T STRESS YOURSELF- It takes time, but when you feel under pressure, your jokes may not come out as naturally or you may be too stressed to even think of anything to say! Just relax! Have fun!!
Get some inspiration from great actors and funny TV shows. Here are two to get your started.

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